Video Tutorial #5: Tres Acciones

Jan 08, 2013

Today’s video tutorial is the first, all-out competitive game that I have presented in this video series. And, for that reason, it absolutely will not be everyone’s cup of tea. However, in my opinion, it is ridiculously fun for both teacher and student.

More importantly, it’s a great way to teach brand new vocabulary while giving students a very large amount of comprehensible input. In fact, the only student output comes in the form of physical actions.

Activity 5: Tres Acciones


TIP 1:

The only problem I ever have with this activity is figuring out how to keep students behaved who have already been eliminated from the game. They leave the circle and then will sometimes chat up their friends, which then makes concentration for the teacher and remaining students more difficult.

This problem can be lessened in a few ways: 

1) Make the rounds short. If that means giving them 3 seconds instead of 5 to get the right answer, then do it.  

2) Have the “eliminated” students practice quietly amongst themselves. This might take some organization up front, but teach them how to tutor each other on the actions. That way, when they return to the game in the next round, they return more prepared to compete.

TIP 2:

Remember, the sky is the limit.  You can use this game for any vocabulary or expressions for which you can come up with creative and fun actions.  

For example, here are some other action ideas for tener expressions:  

Tener un resfriado 
The person in the middle sneezes. The outer people hold one nostril and blow snot. (Disgusting, I know, but the sillier it is, the more students will get into it.) 

Tener prisa 
The student in the middle jumps up and down yelling “¡Taxi!”, while the outer students sprint in place.  

Tener sed
The student in the middle falls to the ground, one hand clutching throat, the other hand raised up and begging towards the outer students. The outer students each have a glass of water, drink a big gulp and say, “Ahhhhh!”