Frequently Asked Questions
Is Wooly Spring Fling the same as Wooly Week?
While they share similarities, Wooly Spring Fling is a smaller, more approachable alternative to Wooly Week — perfect for teachers who want to try out a Wooly event without feeling overwhelmed. Instead of brand-new content, Spring Fling breathes fresh life into classic stories like Billy la Bufanda and ¡PAN!, giving teachers creative new ways to engage students. It’s the ideal way to experience the magic of Wooly Week on a smaller scale. And don’t worry—Wooly Week will return in Fall 2025!
What if I have already shown my students ¡PAN! or Billy la Bufanda?
No problem! These lesson plans are packed with so much new content that even if your students have seen the videos before, we promise a completely fresh and engaging experience. For example, they may have seen ¡PAN!, but they haven’t read the official children's book sequel to ¡PAN!
Will the plans be appropriate for all levels?
Yes! Just like our other lesson plans, these materials are scaffolded at four proficiency levels, ensuring they work for all of your classes. Whether you’re teaching novices or upper-level students, you’ll have the flexibility to adjust the content to fit your class.
Why is this event 6 weeks long? That seems like a long time!
If you were to complete everything included in both of these lesson plans, it would take 8–10 days. We’re giving you six weeks so you have the flexibility to fit them into your schedule on your own timeline.
Will these lesson plans disappear after April 25?
Absolutely not! These plans will remain on the site so you can return to them year after year. And trust us — you’ll want to, because these plans are exceptional! April 25 is simply the deadline for the contest.
Did you said there are prizes? Tell me more about the contest!
The contest details will be revealed on March 13.